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B-Side Gourmet Radio

The Beautiful Groove featuring Chill, Reggae and Jazz.


The concept of B-Side Gourmet started as a marketing idea where collections of b-side tracks were turned into mixed tapes which were sold to restaurants and small clubs that provided food services. Most of the music came from cut-outs (albums, singles, tapes, CD's) that were made available at discount prices in order to lower excess inventory at music stores. In the late 90's online radio started to emerge via a service called Live365. B-Side Gourmet Radio started a concept station on said service that dedicated hour-long shows to specific genres featuring the b-side tracks that were previously being used for the mixed tapes. As the shows became longer, said shows became stand-alone stations on Live365. Some are still around today and a handful are on TuneIn. B-Side Gourmet can be accessed at bsgr.mgzcom.net and features Chill, Reggae and Jazz 24/7.

Telefone: 9194341188