Welcome to our Radio station roots live music radio (Original music Nottingham and Derby),
We are based in Nottingham as Roots Live Music and play original music by local artists & we also produce some merchandise in the form of Badges and Stickers to help support all this as Roots Badges .. All songs are by independent artists in and around Nottingham and Derby.
Please help us support this amazing array of talent our area has to offer and try listen as often as possible.
over the next few months we will be creating musician profiles introducing you to new and established artists who create their own original songs at a fantastic quality, you just have to look at the likes of Jake Bugg who before signed was on the open mic circuit in Nottingham who knows who will be the next artist to break out of the City Original music Nottingham and Derby is huge at the moment.
we also have an app you can download free for your mobile device all this really does come at a cost and at the moment it does not generate any income so improvements take time so bear with us we have loads of ideas for the future of the station so any help feel free to contact us.