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Radio Farofamundo

Se toca você, tocamos aqui!


Rádio Farofamundo is in the country of Brazil, in the city of Serra, in the state of Espírito Santo, and was created by Rogério San-tos, with the aim of creating an alternative repertoire to that played on conventional radio stations, without any commitment to fads and media conventions. popular, which often fail to value quality. There was no initial intention of attracting a large audience of listeners. The idea was for it to be a web radio laboratory where the closest friends would be listeners and critics of the daily content. But to our surprise, we began to notice audiences from several cities in the southeast, south and northeast. If that wasn't enough, we also started arriving in France, the United States, Croatia and the United Kingdom. Because of this, we have already started to rethink the idea of ​​a laboratory and organize this project to be even broader, with new staff, the inclusion of a monthly podcast and other initiatives that can further improve Farofamundo's content