Pure Relaxation


Autonomic tone is the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic tone. Sympathetic being stressed, and parasympathetic meaning in a calm state. Parasympathetic tone maintains smooth muscle tone in the intestines and holds resting heart rate down to about 70-80 beats/minute. The autonomic nervous system is a control system that acts largely unconsciously and regulates bodily functions such as the heart rate, digestion, respiratory rate and more. When the sympathetic nervous system is overactive during times of stress, the relaxing parasympathetic nervous system is affected. Listening to meditation music or relaxing meditation music the parasympathetic nervous system can become active again and calming you down. Calm Radio's "Autonomic Tone" channel is intended to help slow your brain, reduce stress, by using a binaural low-frequency sine wave, that begins in the Beta zone at around 10 beats per second...gradually slowing to 1 beat per second in the Delta brain wave frequency, so you can achieve a deeper parasympathetic state. The track is 4 minutes long. Suggested listening is with headphones or earbuds at lower levels. You can listen before sleeping, or anytime when you feel the need to relax.

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