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MusicNest Radio

Da Voice


To provide a radical alternative to the universal formulae of mainstream broadcasting. MusicNest Radio features programmes made by musicians, artists and critics who represent the diversity of the world as one. Imagine a radio station like no other – MusicNest Radio. A radio station that makes public those Musical/Vocal artworks that have no place in traditional broadcasting. A radio station that is an archive of the new & a blend of the old, the undiscovered, the forgotten, the impossible. That is an invisible gallery, a virtual Music centre whose location is at once local, global and timeless at any point in time. And that is itself a work of beautiful art. Imagine a radio station that responds rapidly to new initiatives, has time to draw breath and reflect on the global audiences wants and needs. A laboratory for experimentation, that by virtue of its uniqueness brings into being a new audience of listeners and creators. All this and more, MusicNest Radio aims to make the global airwaves available to the widest possible range of practitioners of contemporary art.

Telefone: 00447962344768